Step 3: Student must log into Savvas to link their Google account

If your school district requires student account linking and Savvas could not auto-match, students will be asked to link their Google account by logging into Savvas one time. 

Have your students click on Begin.

Savvas will take the student to their Savvas district login page. Depending if you have Single Sign-on or have a direct Savvas login, you will see different screens as shown below.

School with Single Sign On

School with Savvas login

Once your students have logged in, they will be brought to a confirmation screen. Make sure your students confirm they are logged into the correct Savvas Realize account. If they are, have them click Yes, this is my account. If they see another student's name, have them click on No, this is not my account, and follow the directions.

The student has now completed the steps to link their Google account to their Savvas account. Have the student click on Continue.

The student will not be logged into Savvas Realize and be brought to the homepage.

How students can check their Google Classroom account linking status

If you need a student to check which Google account was linked to their Savvas account, just have the student click on their name and then select Settings.

Under the Settings menu, student's will see a Google Classroom Account Linking Status which lists the Google account that is connected to Savvas Realize.