Step 1: Add Savvas assignments

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a Savvas assignments to your course in Buzz using the Savvas Realize Course Connect external tool where you can find Savvas program content by:

Launching the Savvas Realize Discover tool

Navigate to the course you want to add content to and open up the menu on the left.

Click on the Editor link to edit your course.

Click on the Add Activity option.

In the Add window select the External Tools tab and then select Savvas Realize Course Connect to launch the Savvas Realize Discover tool.

Subscribing to Savvas programs

If you are launching the Savvas Realize app for the first time you will be asked to select the programs you are interested in using.

Note: If your Buzz account was linked to your existing Savvas account, you will see the programs you were already using with Savvas Realize already selected.

In the future if you ever need to add additional Savvas programs, simply click on your name and then select My Programs.

Finding Savvas content

You will now be taken to the Savvas Realize Discover tool where you will see the Savvas programs that you are subscribed to. You can find content by:

To navigate by the table of contents, simply click on the Savvas program you are interested and use the table of contents on the left nav bar to drill down to the content you are looking for.

2. Finding Savvas content using search

To use the search functionality you can:

3. Finding content from your Savvas Realize My Library

You can add content from your Savvas Realize My Library including any custom assessments and content that you created or was shared with you in Savvas Realize. You can also find your Playlists where you can add the individual items from your Playlists to import into your Buzz course.

Note: You cannot import an entire Playlist. You must select the individual items in your Playlist.

How to preview content

You can preview any item by simply clicking on the title of the item.

From the preview you can interact with the content and preview what your students would see. 

To exit and go back simply click on Exit.

How to import content

To add Savvas items to import, simply click on the Import button on the item you want to add. This will add the item to your "shopping cart."

You can add as many items as you want. You can review the items you added by clicking on the x item(s) added link.

To import the Savvas items in your "shopping cart" click on the Import button. This will add the content you selected to your Buzz course.

You will get a confirmation in Buzz that your items were created. Click the 'x' to close this window.

You will now see the items you selected in your Buzz course.